Черен петък продължава и през почивните дни! На 27 и 28 ноември купи LED осветление онлайн с 20% отстъпка с промо код DBF2021.

За продукти от категория Коледна украса отстъпката е 10% с промо код CDBF2021.

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€7 - €78


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Embedding LED lighting


Recessed LED spot, circle with movable head, class A

Number of diodes:1x1W, 1x3W

Power:1W, 3W

Color temperature:Optional: 3000-3500K/ 6000-6500K/ red/ blue/ yellow/

Light output:1x130-140lm/W, 1x200-250lm/W

Voltage:AC220-230V ; DC12V; DC24V

Color rendering index:>80 Ra

External size:D=53, H=18mm

Degree of protection:IP20

Mounting:built-in, via clips

Price excl. tax: €7.67
Price inc. tax: €9.20
Out of stock

Recessed LED spot, circle with movable head, class B

Number of diodes:1x1W


Color temperature:Optional: 3000-3500K/ 6000-6500K

Light output:80-90lm/W

Voltage:AC220-230V ; DC12V; DC24V

Color rendering index:>80 Ra

External size:D=53, H=18mm

Degree of protection:IP20

Mounting:built-in, via clips

Price excl. tax: €6.14
Price inc. tax: €7.36
Out of stock

LED fixture for furniture, outdoor installation, class A

Number of diodes:3x1W


Color temperature:Optional: 3000-3500K/ 6000-6500K/ red/ blue/ yellow/

Light output:130-140lm/W

Voltage:AC220-230V ; DC12V; DC24V

Color rendering index:>80 Ra

Outer size:70x15mm

Degree of protection:IP20

Mounting:external, via slat

Price excl. tax: €7.67
Price inc. tax: €9.20


Recessed LED spot, class A

Number of diodes:1x1W, 1x3W

Power:1W, 3W

Color temperature:Optional: 3000-3500K/ 6000-6500K/ red/ blue/ yellow/

Light output:1x130-140lm/W, 1x180-200lm/W

Voltage:AC220-230V ; DC12V; DC24V

Color rendering index:>80 Ra

Outer size:38x18mm

Degree of protection:IP20

Mounting:external, via screws

Price excl. tax: €7.67
Price inc. tax: €9.20
Out of stock

Recessed LED spot, class B

Number of diodes:1x1W


Color temperature:Optional: 3000-3500K/ 6000-6500K

Light output:80-90lm/W

Voltage:AC220-230V ; DC12V; DC24V

Color rendering index:>80 Ra

Outer size:38x18mm

Degree of protection:IP20

Mounting:external, via screws

Price excl. tax: €6.14
Price inc. tax: €7.36
Out of stock

Recessed LED spotlight fixture A, class A, for ground

Number of diodes:1x1W, 1x3W

Power:1W, 3W

Color temperature:Optional: 3000-3500K / 4000-4500K / 6000-6500K/ red / green / blue/ yellow

Light flux  of diode:130-140lm/W at 1w, 80-90lm/W at 3w

Voltage:AC220-230V ; DC12V; DC24V

Lighting angle:30°, 60°, 120°

Outer size:D=65mm, H=75mm

Degree of protection:IP67

Price excl. tax: €10.74
Price inc. tax: €12.88

Recessed LED spotlight fixture B, class A, for ground

Number of diodes:3x1W


Color temperature:Optional: 3000-3500K / 4000-4500K / 6000-6500K/ red/ blue/ yellow/ green

Luminous flux of the diodes:130-140lm/W

Voltage:AC220-230V ; DC12V; DC24V

Lighting angle:30°, 60°, 120°

External size:D=100mm, H=70mm

Degree of protection:IP67

Price excl. tax: €17.90
Price inc. tax: €21.47

Recessed LED spotlight fixture C, class A, for ground

Number of diodes:9x1W


Color temperature:Optional: 3000-3500K / 4000-4500K / 6000-6500K/ red/ blue/ yellow/ green

Luminous flux of the diodes:130-140lm/W

Voltage:AC220-230V ; DC12V; DC24V

Lighting angle:30°, 60°, 120°

Degree of protection:IP67

Price excl. tax: €42.95
Price inc. tax: €51.54

Recessed LED spotlight fixture D, class A, for ground

Number of diodes:15x1W ; 18x1W

Power:15W ; 18W

Color temperature:Optional: 3000-3500K / 4000-4500K / 6000-6500K/ red/ blue/ yellow/ green

Luminous flux of the diodes:130-140lm/W

Voltage:AC220-230V ; DC12V; DC24V

Lighting angle:30°, 60°, 120°

Degree of protection:IP67

Price excl. tax: €64.42
Price inc. tax: €77.31

Recessed LED spotlight fixture E, class A, for ground

Number of diodes:3x1W


Color temperature:Optional: 3000-3500K / 4000-4500K / 6000-6500K/ red/ blue/ yellow/ green

Luminous flux of the diodes:130-140lm/W

Voltage:AC220-230V ; DC12V; DC24V

Lighting angle:30°, 60°, 120°

Degree of protection:IP67

Price excl. tax: €20.45
Price inc. tax: €24.54

Recessed LED spotlight fixture F, class A, for ground

Number of diodes:3


Color temperature:Optional: 3000-3500K / 4000-4500K / 6000-6500K/ red/ blue/ yellow/ green

Luminous flux of the diodes:130-140Lm/W

Voltage:AC220-230V ; DC12V; DC24V

Lighting angle:30°, 60°, 120°

Degree of protection:IP67

Price excl. tax: €17.90
Price inc. tax: €21.47

Recessed LED spotlight fixture G, class A, for ground

Number of diodes:3


Color temperature:Optional: 3000-3500K / 4000-4500K / 6000-6500K/ red/ blue/ yellow/ green

Luminous flux of the diodes:130-140lm/W

Voltage:AC220-230V ; DC12V; DC24V

Lighting angle:30°, 60°, 120°

Degree of protection:IP67

Price excl. tax: €17.90
Price inc. tax: €21.47

Recessed LED spotlight fixture H, class A, for ground

Number of diodes:3


Color temperature:Optional: 3000-3500K/ 4000-4500K / 6000-6500K/ red/ blue/ yellow/ green

Luminous flux of the diodes:130-140lm/W

Voltage:AC220-230V ; DC12V; DC24V

Lighting angle:30°, 60°, 120°

External size:D=100mm, H=37mm

Degree of protection:IP67

Price excl. tax: €17.90
Price inc. tax: €21.47
Page 1 of 1

Different models of lighting for embedding in ground, furniture and ceiling. You can choose from different housings and body classes A or B. Class A luminaires give a luminous flux of up to 140lm/W and their standard warranty is 3 years. Class B products are more cost-effective, providing a luminous flux of up to 90 lm/W and come with a two-year warranty.

Main categories of LED lighting
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фонт за регионално развитие иновации и конкурентоспособност

Процедура BG16RFOP002-2.040 "Подобряване на производствения капацитет в МСП"
Номер на Договор за Безвъзмездна Финансова помощ: BG16RFOP002-2.040-0671-C01
Бенефициент: ДИАНИД ЕООД
Наименование на проекта: Повишаване на производствения капацитет и експортния потенциал на ДИАНИД ЕООД
Проектът е получил финансиране от Европейски фонд за регионално развитие чрез Оперативна Програма "Иновации и конкурентоспособност"
Обща стойност на проекта: 710 000.00 лв.

Процедура: BG16RFOP002-2.002 "Развитие на управленския капацитет и растеж на МСП"
Номер на Договор за Безвъзмездна Финансова помощ: BG16RFOP002-2.002-0032-C01
Бенефициент: ДИАНИД ЕООД
Наименование на проекта: Развитие на управленския капацитет и растеж на ДИАНИД ЕООД чрез разработване и внедряване на ISO 14001, разработка и внедряване на ИКТ базиран софтуер за управление на бизнес процесите/ресурсите - Единна система за управление на ресурсите (ERP) и Единна система за управление на взаимоотноошенията с клиенти CRM
Проектът е получил финансиране от Европейски фонд за регионално развитие чрез Оперативна Програма "Иновации и конкурентоспособност"
Обща стойност на проекта: 541 990,00 лв.

Процедура: BG16RFOP002-2.001 "Подобряване на производствения капацитет в МСП"
Номер на Договор за Безвъзмездна Финансова помощ: BG16RFOP002-2.001-1003-C01
Бенефициент: ДИАНИД ЕООД
Наименование на проекта: Повишаване на производствения капацитет и експортния потенциал на ДИАНИД ЕООД, посредством закупуване на високотехнологични активи
Проектът е получил финансиране от Европейски фонд за регионално развитие чрез Оперативна Програма "Развитие на конкурентоспособността на българската икономика" 2014-2020
Обща стойност на проекта: 496 000,00 лв.,
от които 189 720,00 лв. европейско и 33 480,00 лв. национално съфинансиране.

ДИАНИД ЕООД - LED осветление - всички права запазени!