Черен петък продължава и през почивните дни! На 27 и 28 ноември купи LED осветление онлайн с 20% отстъпка с промо код DBF2021.

За продукти от категория Коледна украса отстъпката е 10% с промо код CDBF2021.

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€16 - €151


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Modern ceiling lights

« 12»

LED ceiling light Dolphin



Color temperature:warm white


Dimensions:19.5cm x 8.5cm

Illuminated area:Decorative lighting

Warranty:2 years

Price excl. tax: €13.81
Price inc. tax: €16.57
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LED ceiling light Butterfly



Color temperature:warm white


Dimensions:19.5cm x 14.5cm

Illuminated area:Decorative lighting

Warranty:2 years

Price excl. tax: €13.81
Price inc. tax: €16.57

In stock


LED ceiling light Nancy



Color temperature:warm light



Illuminated area:Decorative lighting

Warranty:2 years

Price excl. tax: €13.81
Price inc. tax: €16.57

In stock


LED ceiling light Lance



Color temperature:warm white



Illuminated area:Decorative lighting

Warranty:2 years

Price excl. tax: €13.81
Price inc. tax: €16.57

In stock

Page 2 of 2
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Add sophisticated style to any room with a light fixture from the series of designer light fixtures we offer. The lighting fixture can be not only an effective source of light, but also a modern accent in the interior, which brings mood, warmth, emotion. Extremely suitable choice for hotel lighting as well. Take a look at our stylish offers and you will find your fresh inspiration in modern LED lighting.

We know that price is also important to you. That's why we offer the products in the category at an excellent price, consistent with the quality you get. Most of our designer lighting fixtures come with a remote control, which allows you to change the color temperature and light intensity. The option to control several lighting fixtures from the series with one remote control is very convenient.

Choose the model that best suits your vision and order your light fixture from Dianid. Most models of the series are available in different sizes and capacities, which you can find in the description of each product. We recommend that you also use the search filters in the category to more easily navigate which models are suitable for the size of your room.

Modern lighting

What actually makes our lighting fixtures modern? If you are bored with the look of a simple ceiling or chandelier, you will immediately notice the look of our designer lighting fixtures. Through their innovative look, they give every room a dose of positivity that will open your senses to fruitful relaxation. Thanks to the functionalities built into most models, combined with convenient remote control, in addition to relaxation, the light can be quickly adapted for work or entertainment with just the push of a button.

Besides the non-flashy modernist look we were looking for for our lighting fixtures combined with a balanced design look, the series also offers enough efficiency thanks to the LED technology used at the heart of each fixture. Through the RGB diodes used and light control, a light fixture can emit both very light, almost imperceptible light and light with a power of up to 10,000 lumens (depending on the model and size of the fixture).

We also realize that the feeling of "modern lighting" can very much depend on the perception of each individual person. Therefore, we define our vision as minimalist, combined with clean lines and symmetry, which underpins our concept of order. But here again the basis for efficiency fits. In our opinion, the new "modern" is mostly about efficiency, and by using the most efficient technology in lighting, you can be sure that by choosing Dianid lighting fixtures, you will benefit from the possibilities of a cutting-edge technology.

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фонт за регионално развитие иновации и конкурентоспособност

Процедура BG16RFOP002-2.040 "Подобряване на производствения капацитет в МСП"
Номер на Договор за Безвъзмездна Финансова помощ: BG16RFOP002-2.040-0671-C01
Бенефициент: ДИАНИД ЕООД
Наименование на проекта: Повишаване на производствения капацитет и експортния потенциал на ДИАНИД ЕООД
Проектът е получил финансиране от Европейски фонд за регионално развитие чрез Оперативна Програма "Иновации и конкурентоспособност"
Обща стойност на проекта: 710 000.00 лв.

Процедура: BG16RFOP002-2.002 "Развитие на управленския капацитет и растеж на МСП"
Номер на Договор за Безвъзмездна Финансова помощ: BG16RFOP002-2.002-0032-C01
Бенефициент: ДИАНИД ЕООД
Наименование на проекта: Развитие на управленския капацитет и растеж на ДИАНИД ЕООД чрез разработване и внедряване на ISO 14001, разработка и внедряване на ИКТ базиран софтуер за управление на бизнес процесите/ресурсите - Единна система за управление на ресурсите (ERP) и Единна система за управление на взаимоотноошенията с клиенти CRM
Проектът е получил финансиране от Европейски фонд за регионално развитие чрез Оперативна Програма "Иновации и конкурентоспособност"
Обща стойност на проекта: 541 990,00 лв.

Процедура: BG16RFOP002-2.001 "Подобряване на производствения капацитет в МСП"
Номер на Договор за Безвъзмездна Финансова помощ: BG16RFOP002-2.001-1003-C01
Бенефициент: ДИАНИД ЕООД
Наименование на проекта: Повишаване на производствения капацитет и експортния потенциал на ДИАНИД ЕООД, посредством закупуване на високотехнологични активи
Проектът е получил финансиране от Европейски фонд за регионално развитие чрез Оперативна Програма "Развитие на конкурентоспособността на българската икономика" 2014-2020
Обща стойност на проекта: 496 000,00 лв.,
от които 189 720,00 лв. европейско и 33 480,00 лв. национално съфинансиране.

ДИАНИД ЕООД - LED осветление - всички права запазени!